Frequently Asked Questions


01. The order

When do I receive my order?

Sellers will indicate shipping and handling times for their products. Digital downloads will instantly become available for download. 

I now see the longer delivery time of (a part of) my order. How can I cancel it?

If a seller fails to meet shipping and handling requirements stated, please contact the vendor for explanation. If needed, IzzieProp will facilitate a refund for you. 

Can I return my order?

After receiving your order, if you are not satisfied, reach out to the vendor with specific complaints. If you and the vendor cannot resolve the dispute, IzzieProp will be happy to facilitate any refunds needed. 

02. Returns, exchanges and complaints

Facilitating a Return

Once the seller and vendor have come to an agreement on a return. Work with the vendor to facilitate returning the product. IzzieProp will handle the refund. Digital Products are not subject to return.

Exchanging a Product?

Since IzzieProp vendors are individual contributors, if you wish to facilitate an exchange with a vendor for another of their products, this must be done through the individual vendor.


If you have a particular complaint with a vendor please contact us.

03. Being a Vendor

How do I sign up?

You can sign up for IzzieProp by clicking on this link: Become a Vendor and following the prompts. The process is straightforward. You’ll need to provide your bank information, including the routing and account numbers, to receive payments

What you can sell?

You can list almost any photography-related item whether it’s a digital product or a physical one that can be shipped. Check out our list of Prohibited Items to know what’s not allowed on the marketplace.

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